
Our Story
Alpen was born out of need - it’s as simple as that. I was so exhausted reaching for ill-fitting outdoor gear when I was gearing up for a backpacking trip or a river trip. I wanted gear that matched my hustle and I knew I wasn’t alone in that.
While I struggled with what I would wear or pack for the days ahead, my male counterparts had all the gear necessary - from pants, to base layers, to shorts - you name it. In fact, I knew a handful of women who would opt to wear men’s pants over women’s because they were actually functional and looked good (pretty wild if you ask me!).
I wanted to create a brand to match our grittiness. I wanted to create something where the designs would speak to the work we do outside and the places we go - no unnecessary frills but still feminine touches. I wanted flattering fits without any type of compromise, and most importantly - I wanted to create a brand that was powered by a community of like-minded women.
After spending Alpen’s first seven-months reaching out to women who would be featured as "Women of Alpen" (read more on our blog). I met so many incredible women and our conversations were invaluable. We talked about place and purpose, independence and freedom and what the outdoors did for each of us. An underlying theme from across every single woman was this:
We all wanted to be taken seriously. We all wanted independence - the ability to learn and grow but also be leaders in our outdoor endeavors, and we all needed gear that actually supported what we were after.
We have big plans for Alpen, from product development and expansion to community growth and involvement. We're here to be your toughest new trail bestie. Designs modern yet classic, our products are made with you in mind. We believe the trail begins where you do.
See you at the summit!